~~~ The Seven Seals ~~~
The Scroll and the Lamb of God:
I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. He [The Lamb] went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. Revelation 5:1,7
Unrolling the Scroll:
- When the first seal is opened a white horse appeared. Its rider was holding a bow and was given a crown. He rode forth on a mission of conquest.
- When the second seal is opened a red horse rode forth. Its rider was given a large sword and the power to make war and take peace from the earth.
- When the third seal is opened a black horse rode forth. Its rider held a pair of scales and John hears a voice speaking about the rising cost of basic commodities.
- When the fourth seal is opened a pale horse rode forth. Its rider was named Death and the grave followed close behind. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague.
- When the fifth seal is opened John sees, under the altar of incense, the souls of those who became martyrs on account of their testimony. They cried out, "How long, Lord, until you judge the people of earth?" They were given white robes and told to wait a little longer.
- When the sixth seal is opened there came a terrible earthquake, the sun went black, the moon turned red, the stars fell, the sky rolled up, mountains and islands relocated. Then the unsaved of earth tried to hide from the face of God.
- When the seventh seal is opened I saw the seven angels who stand before God. They were given seven trumpets. Then the angel who stands by the altar of incense took the censer filled with fire and cast it on the earth.
The Four Living Creatures:
I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this." At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven. Revelation 4:1-2
In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle.Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Revelation 4:6-8
I include the four living creatures in this discussion because they are instrumental in revealing the four horsemen to John.
Unfolding the Four Living Creatures:
- Covered with eyes. Vigilant, watchful: The Lord is in his holy temple... He observes everyone on earth; his eyes examine them. Psalm 11:4
- A lion. Courage, strength: Mighty among beasts, who retreats before nothing Proverbs 30:30
- An ox. Powerful servant: From the strength of an ox come abundant harvests. Job 39:9, Proverbs 14:4
- A human face. Noble being: God created man in his own image. Genesis 1:27, Isaiah 1:18, Psalms 8:4-6
- An eagle in flight. Powerful, swift: Those who hope in the Lord... will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary.
Isaiah 40:31
- Each having six wings. Angelic beings I saw the Lord... seated on a throne. Above him were seraphim, each with six wings. Isaiah 6:2
- Each living creature in turn calls out to John literally saying, "Come here and have a look at this." They seem to possess some kind of audio-visual function. When the third seal is opened John not only saw the black horse and its rider, but heard a voice coming from among the four living creatures.
Unfolding the Seven Seals:
The Four Horsemen:
- The four horsemen can be briefly summed up as 1) Conquest, 2) War, 3) Famine, and 4) Death. The horsemen symbolize a change in political attitudes on a global scale. This may explain the rising popularity of authoritarian rule and diminishing of democracy.
- The scenario presented is highly suggestive of events on earth during this time that go from bad to worse.
- The significance of the horse's colors and the items the riders hold:
- White = Purity & righteousness. Psalm 51:7
- Red = Sinful nature of man. Isaiah 1:18
- Black = Distress, catastrophe & death. Joel 2:2, Zephaniah 1:15
- Pale = Frightful alarm, the color of death. Daniel 5:6, Daniel 10:8, Nahum 2:10
- Bow = Weapon of war, fires a projectile.
- Sword = Weapon of war, a slashing / stabbing weapon.
- Scales = Devices for measuring weights.
- The rider on the white horse presents a dilemma. The color white suggests one thing as stated above but the rider wears a crown and holds a weapon of war. It is possible this horseman is a deceiver instrumental in advancing the course of the succeeding horsemen.
- War has been around as long as humanity has been. Therefore the red horse and its rider suggests a conflict far worse, perhaps on a global scale and the use of horrific new weapons.This may be what is indicated by the large sword given to the rider.
- The black horse and its rider represents the natural consequence of war which is famine. The scales and the prices of commodities suggests a scarcity of food items. Many who survive the war become the victims of deprivation.
- The image of the one who rides the pale horse with Hades in his wake depicts the total collapse of civilization as a result of the three preceding horsemen. The world as we know it is near its end and the second advent is near. Revelation 11:16-18
The souls under the altar of incense is a metaphorical image of God's faithful witnesses who were specifically targeted during the horrific events previously described by the four horsemen. They are told to be patient as even more of God's people would give their lives for their faith until the final judgment is pronounced.
The most revealing bit described under the sixth seal is when the persecuting powers and all the unsaved and unrepentant realize that their wicked actions are at an end and seek to hide themselves from God. The natural disastors described are symbolic of the chaos that will occur at the time of the end.
The seventh seal introduces the seven trumpets series of events which will expand more fully on those revealed by the seven seals. As an indicator of what is to come, the angel at the altar first offers up incense with prayers for God's people, then casts the fire-filled censer to earth.