~~~ The Unholy Trinity Part 1 ~~~
The Woman Clothed with the Sun:
- A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, standing on the moon, wearing a crown of twelve stars.
- She was pregnant and cried out in pain for she was about to deliver.
- She gave birth to a male child who is destined to rule in strength all nations of earth.
- God rescues the child from the serpent who sought to destroy him, taking him up to his throne in heaven.
- The woman was given the wings of a great eagle to escape the wrath of the serpent who seeks to destroy her.
- The serpent spews a flood of water out of its mouth to overtake and destroy the woman, but the earth comes to her aid, opened its mouth and swallowed the flood.
- The woman flees to a place of refuge in the wilderness prepared for her. There she will live secure for 1,260 days.
- The serpent becomes enraged and went off to make war with the rest of her offspring, those who remain faithful to Jesus and God's commandments.
The woman depicted here represents the true faith and people of God, Spiritual Israel. She is monotheistic and her God is the Creator. She has existed from before the creation, and throughout human history though not always by the same name. Ephesians 1:4-5
Unfolding the Vision of the Woman:
- The meaning of the sun, moon and stars symbols strongly refers to Jacob whom God renamed Israel. Genesis 32:28
- Joseph, the eleventh of Israel's twelve sons, had a dream in which the sun, moon and eleven stars bowed down to him.
- When Israel was told the dream he asked, "Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to you?"
Genesis 37:9-11
- The twelve stars, therefore, refer to the twelve tribes of Israel and possibly the twelve apostles.
- The number twelve also figures prominently in the description of the New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:9-14
- The woman being clothed with the sun has other interpretations:
- She is clothed in righteousness. Proverbs 4:18
- She is a light giver (i.e truth teller).Psalm 15:2
- The crown on her head signifies authority, righteousness and victory. Psalm 149:4, 2 Timothy 4:8
- The male child destined to rule all nations is clearly Messianic. Isaiah 7:14, Revelation 12:1-10
- The wings given her symbolize divine assistance to flee from the dragon. Psalm 55:6, Ezekiel 17:3
- The torrent of water symbolizes waves of persecution directed at the woman. Psalm 124:4, Jeremiah 47:1
- The wilderness is a place of safety from enemies. The woman takes refuge there from the serpent's attacks.
- The period of time she is there, taken literally equates to three and a half years. In prophetic time it comes out to 1,260 years.
- The woman's offspring are those who follow Christ, a movement that sprang from Judaism. Acts 11:25 & 26
The Red Dragon
- While John is pondering the woman clothed with the sun, another sign appeared in the heavens.
- He sees an enormous red dragon. It had seven heads and ten horns and on each head was a crown.
- The serpents tail had swept away a third of the stars of heaven and cast them down to earth.
- The dragon positioned himself in front of the woman so he might devour her child as soon as it was born, but heavenly agents intervened.
- The dragon, enraged, made war with the heavenly realms, but Michael and the holy angels were victorious.
- Satan, the great serpent who leads the world astray, was defeated and exiled to earth and his angels with him.
- He turned, filled with wrath, and attacked the woman who had given birth to the male child, but the Lord rescued her from the serpent's grasp.
Unfolding the Vision of the Red Dragon:
- Seven, the number of heads, signifies completion or fullness. Genesis 41:26 & 27
- Multiple heads symbolize chronological incarnations of the dragon power. Revelation 17:10 & 11
- The red dragon is identified as Satan. Having seven heads implies that these are seven satanic powers through which the serpent operates. Revelation 12:9
- Each head bears a crown. Crowns symbolize authoritarian power such as a king. 2 Samuel 12:30, 2 Kings 11:12
- The stars symbolize those angels who joined in Satan's rebellion. Isaiah 14:12 KJV, Revelation 12:9
- Horns symbolize strength or power to act. Psalm 18:2, Psalm 89:17
- The ten horns that bear no crowns are ten authoritarian powers that coexist with the dragon in some future time. Revelation 17:12
What constitutes a beast power? According to scripture they are nations that are, have been or will be enemies of Israel. The seven satanic heads can be identified as Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and the end time beast brought forth in Revelation 13 and 17. Exodus 6:7