Days, Weeks, Months and Times:
- Days, weeks, months and times for the different prophecies listed below from line 2 to 17 amount to the same value.
- Many scholars of Bible prophecy believe one day of real time equates to one year of prophetic time. Numbers 14:34, Ezekiel 4:4-6
- Day prophecies: Revelation 11:3-11, Revelation 12:6
- Month prophecies: Revelation 9:5&10, Revelation 11:2, Revelation 13:5
- Time prophecies: Daniel 7:25, Daniel 12:7, Revelation 12:14
- 1260 days ≈ three and one half years = 1260 years.
- 42 months = three and one half years = 1260 years.
- Time, times and half a time (One time = one year) = three and one half years = 1260 years.
- If these time periods are all the same, why are they expressed in different terms?
- Days for the two witnesses clothed in sackcloth: Revelation 11
- Days and Times for the woman clothed with the sun (spiritual Israel): Revelation 12
- Months for the Gentiles to trample on the holy city: Revelation 11
- Months also for the beast that comes up from the sea: Revelation 13
- Times for the little horn power to exercise its authority: Daniel 7
- Times also for the unparalled time of distress which ends when God's people are delivered by Michael: Daniel 12
- Do all of these prophecies in relation to the different entities occur during the same period of time?
- The answer relies on determining if they have common starting or ending dates.
- Some of these prophecies are not fulfilled until some future time which leaves only the start date to be discovered.
- The two witnesses time coincides with the Gentiles trampling on the holy city.
- The time the woman is given refuge in the wilderness.
- The time the little horn power of Daniel 7 and the first beast of Revelation 13 exercise their authority.
- The two witnesses prophecy and that for the woman suggest a starting date prior to 70 AD.
- The little horn power and the beast from the sea suggests a date after the fifth century AD.
- Both arise after the end of the Roman empire and its subsequent division represented by the ten horns.
- I have to conclude the time periods for all these entities listed above are not contemporary (i.e. not occurring at the same time).
- It is possible the 1260 days / years, however they are expressed, may have a different application that is not related literally or prophetically.
- Prophecies involving different time periods from those above:
- The seven times prophecy of Nebuchadnezzar's dream: Daniel 4:16-32
- The seventy 'sevens' (weeks) prophecy divided into three periods: Daniel 9:20-26
- Seven 'sevens'
- Sixty-two 'sevens'
- One 'seven'
- The 2300 days prophecy. Daniel 8:14
- The 1290 and 1335 days prophecy. Daniel 12:11-12
- Daniel is given the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Because of pride he was given the mind of an animal until seven times (years) passed by.
- The seventy weeks prophecy tells of the time from the proclamation allowing the Jewish exiles to return and rebuild Jerusalem to the second desolation of the city and sanctuary.
- Proclamation issued by the king of Persia.
- Seven weeks (49 years) given for the rebuilding.
- Sixty two weeks (434 years) to the Anointed One, after which he is put to death.
- One week (7 years) when the ruler that will come makes a "covenant with many" which he breaks mid-week and brings about the desolation foretold.
- Some scholars say this period runs from 457 BC to 33 AD. However, the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple did not occur in that year.
- The 2300 days prophecy has its origin in Daniel's vision of the ram and the goat. During this long period a "fierce-looking king" arises. The 2300 days runs from the time of the desolation he causes until the restoration (cleansing) of the sanctuary.
- The 1290 and 1335 periods are connected with the time the sanctuary service is ended and the abomination that causes desolation begins.
- It is unclear if these times occur between the two events or the two events mark the beginning of the time periods.
- The abomination that causes desolation:
- This event is mentioned four times in the book of Daniel. Daniel 8:13, Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11:31, Daniel 12:11
- Some Bible scholars claim this event occurred during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Seleucid king of the Hellenistic Syrian kingdom.
- Antiochus attempted to hellenize the Seleucid province of Judea. He repressed the Jewish religion and all Jewish practices.
- Around the year 167 BC he placed an idol of the Greek god Zeus in the Temple at Jerusalem and sacrificed to it.
- However, three years later Judas Maccabeus led a revolt, conquered Judea, tore down the altar of Zeus and reconsecrated the Temple.
- With this historical background I must conclude that this event doesn't meet the criteria in this prophecy.
- Lastly, Jesus in the Gospel books of Matthew, Mark and Luke places this event in a future time. Matthew 24:15-16, Mark 13:14, Luke 21:20-22